Meet The Saker Music Team
A team of enthusiastic musicians that know how a good publication is done.
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János Sutyák
Suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas amet dictum sitamet.
Máté Fűzy
Arranger, publishing editor
Neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas dignissim suspendisse
Csilla Katona
Social Media and marketing
Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cursus sit amet dictum sit amet justo.
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Supporting young musicians
Saker Music is a regular sponsor of brass competitions and festivals.
Growing Collection
Our sheet music collection is rapidly growing.
Áron Simon
Mr. Áron Simon was born in 1987, in Békéscsaba, Hungary. Mr. Simon started his early musical studies in his hometown, then attended the Béla Bartók High School of the Arts, where he was a student of Csaba Szűcs.
After finishing high school, Mr. Simon was accepted to György Gyivicsán’s trombone studio at The University of Szeged’s Faculty of Music in Hungary and received his degree in trombone performance in 2012. Mr. Simon has been the trombone teacher at the István Vántus Secondary School of Music in Szeged since 2010 and has been a member of the Szeged Symphony Orchestra since 2012.
Mr. Simon is a founding member of the Szeged Trombone Ensemble and dedicates a number of his arrangements to the group.
In addition to his busy career as a teacher and orchestral musician, Mr. Simon works as one of the most active arrangers of our time.
His arrangements for various brass chamber music ensembles are very popular and can be heard all around the world performed by some of the world’s best players.
In 2016, Mr. Simon made a step towards his dreams and started his own publishing company: Saker Music Company.
János Sutyák
János Sutyák, one of the Principal Trombones at the Hungarian State Opera, in 2006 was awarded full scholarship to pursue a double Bachelor’s Degree at New York’s Bard College and Bard College Conservatory of Music, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in German Studies and a Bachelor of Music in Trombone Performance in 2013.
Mr. Sutyák also completed a one semester exchange program at the Humboldt University in Berlin and a two-year Advanced Performance Studies program at The Bard Conservatory before starting his Artist Diploma at The Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia in 2015.
Mr. Sutyák has played numerous concerts as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral performer in the USA, Venezuela, Russia, South Africa, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong and 20 countries in Europe. As a soloist, Mr. Sutyak has performed twice with the Bard College Conservatory of Music Orchestra and once each with the Jenaer Philarmonie and the Hong Kong Performing Arts Center Orchestra.
Mr. Sutyák is no stranger to the international competition circuit: he won first prize at the Slider Asia International Trombone Competition in Hong Kong, first prize and special prize of the board at the International Brass and Percussion Competition in Hungary, first prize at the Bard College Conservatory of Music Concerto Competition in New York, and third prize at the International Low Brass Competition of the Czech Republic. He is also a recipient of the Zoltán Kodály Prize and an Honorary Cultural Embassador of Tachira county in Venezuela.
Máté Fűzy
Editor and Arranger
Máté Fűzy is a native of Budapest, Hungary. He graduated from the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts program on french horn at the University of Pécs in 2006, and in 2012 received his master artist degree from there as well.
While Mr. Fűzy was teaching in music schools and enjoying a freelance career in music theatres, he recognized the opportunity that American brass music could bring him. In 2011, he founded the first Hungarian brass band, „Band Of StreetS”. As a vivid arranger, band leader, and conductor, Mr. Fűzy participated in many jazz projects with his father, Gábor Fűzy (beloved Hungarian jazz pianist). Máté also performed on Hungarian TV shows, and in well known festivals such as Sziget and VOLT. His arrangements for wind orchestras, brass bands, and big bands are very well received today in the professional music world.
Apart from his professional career, Máté enjoys spending time with his wife and kids.
Mr. Fűzy joined the Saker Music team in 2019.
Csilla Katona
Social Media and Marketing
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